81 Pattern

#81 Bull Moose

Tidioute Pocket Knife

(#81 Tidioute Cutlery Bull Moose in Osage Orange Wood)

Available In

Tidioute Cutlery
Moose Green Jigged Bone
Osage Orange Wood
Red Linen Micarta
Natural Canvas Micarta
Northfield UN-X-LD 
Antique Amber Jigged Bone
Smooth Appaloosa Bone
Gabon Ebony

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For the Largest Selection of Great Eastern Cutlery Pocket Knives Please Contact One of Our Many Distributors.
54 Pattern

Equal End Big Moose & Big Jack Knives

Pocket Knives 54

#54 Tidioute Cutlery Equal End Big Moose & Big Jack Pocket Knives in Gabon Ebony

Available In

Tidioute Cutlery
Chestnut Worm Groove Jig Bone (Jack/Moose)
Gabon Ebony Wood (Jack/Moose)
Autumn Gold Camel Bone (Knivesshipfree SFO / Jack Only)
Maroon Linen Micarta (Jack/Moose)
Northfield UN-X-LD 
Smooth Autumn Gold Bone (Jack/Moose)
Tortoise Shell Acrylic(Jack/Moose)
Lava Acrylic(Jack/Moose)
Burnt Stag (Jack/Moose)
Natural Stag (Jack/Moose)



Private Brands
Blood Red Jig Bone (AAPK SFO / Moose Only)

Enquiries for the Autumn Gold Camel Bone & Blood Red Jigged Bone versions should be directed towards and, respectively.



For the Largest Selection of Great Eastern Cutlery Pocket Knives Please Contact One of Our
Many Distributors,